I start by looking at all the colours of a particular product line or multiple product lines so I can see what types of combinations I have to work with. I always use colours from the same product line for consistency within the item. I will begin mapping out pattern possibilities. This may include creating a pixel design excel if I am planning a fair-isle knit, making gauge swatches, making swatches with different techniques or textures to see the size or look of a particular pattern.
I will create the first prototype. If I am lucky, prototype 1 turns out exactly the size and shape I wanted it to. Unfortunately, I am rarely that lucky. I typically have a notebook full of scribbles and pattern notes. Once the first prototype is complete, I make notes on adjustments that need to be made and start again. I neatly write out my notes on the pattern for future reference, or to create a pattern to share in the future.
The time it takes to make a product can vary depending on the size and detail involved. It can take anywhere from 1 hour to 15 hours to make certain items. Each item is made with care and precision, ensuring that they are made to perfection.