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Every Knits By Brit item is designed and hand-crafted for a unique, modern look. My goal is to offer you style, creativity, and comfort by ensuring that every hand-knit piece is made with quality and care.

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I started knitting in 2017 and was self-taught using Youtube videos and blog tutorials. I began knitting because my sister was getting married, and I wanted to get her and my brother-in-law something thoughtful. Nothing from a store was making the cut, so I decided to knit them a blanket. The blanket was full of errors and had many different-sized squares, but the final product still turned out great. Knitting came really easy to me and it’s something I love to do. I find it relaxing and allows me to be creative and make things that I think people will love.


The time it takes to make a product can vary depending on the size and detail involved. It can take anywhere from 1 hour to 15 hours to make certain items. Each item is made with care and precision, ensuring that they are made to perfection.

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